Monday, April 20, 2009

Fishing Layout

This is my two page magazine spread for the clear water fishing article. This project has been much easier than it would have been if we had not have done the Marceline project first. The copy fitting went much quicker. 
I found a lot of cool pictures, but I decided to just use one and make it large and the focus of the layout. As I said before at the thumbnail process, I wanted to keep this layout simple, not flashy or complicated. I think using the one photo and pulling colors from that photo helped me do this. 
Even though the copy fitting was easier this time around, it still didn't fit exactly the way I had envisioned it fitting before hand. I didn't think the copy would take up quite as much room as it did on the right page. Because of this, I'm going to have to fix some of the alignments. I originally wanted "Techniques" to line up with the bottom of the photo, but it had to be pushed up to allow the text more room. So what I might end up doing is just moving it all the way to the top to align with the other two text boxes. I will also move all the text on the right page to left align with the left margin and have a small open column on the outside right instead of trapping that negative space in between the two pages like it is now. 

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