Monday, April 27, 2009

Best example of Traditional Copyfitting

We did two projects this semester where we were required to copy-fit all the given text so that we knew how much space it would take up in the final layout. This process definitely took some time to get used to, but once I got the hang of it, I understood how it can be very helpful. My biggest problem was deciding how big I wanted the columns to be, what font size, orientation, etc. etc... And all of this needed to be decided before I could even start! I couldn't help but wonder how it would look on screen. But I think that will get easier with more practice because I'll be more familiar with text on screen and how to adjust it and so on.
But in both projects, I was fairly accurate. I did have to change the first column on the right page so that the top of "Techniques" lined up with the two columns on either side. After printing, I realized the the copy really wasn't as readable as it could have been so I increased the leading to 12 pt (like it should have been in the first place), justified the columns and decreased the kerning to avoid any orphans. No, I think the text is more readable. I also added the numbers behind the text to emphasize the way that I broke up the copy. I combined most of the copy that we were given so that it was divided into six different ideas or techniques and I think the numbers help communicate this as well as add a little more interest to this side of the layout.

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