Monday, September 14, 2009


This is a 20x30 in! Holy cow. Quite a jump from the 4.5x6 in I was getting used to.
I'm just going to put it out there right now - I don't like it. Ok, I do like the background alright and the center of the flowers-but that's it.
I lost what little confidence I had gained from the small paintings. I tensed up, and so did the paint. I tried to control it too much. I can't even tell you how many times I went back over the petals...over and over...ugh. Should've went with a landscape. I just hadn't done a still life since the first set of ten watercolors we did. Been doin lots of landscapes.
oh well, better next time.
In class we are expiermenting with gouache. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Rusty makes it look so easy!
More watercolors to come on Wednesday.

oh, one more thing...the very last thing I did was a yellow glaze over the flowers and the leaves/stems. It definately helped what little it possible could.

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